воскресенье, 9 февраля 2020 г.


Amazon Second Chance Pass it on, trade it in, give it a second life. We may argue that when it is felt and perceived it also must exist. See Book recommendation for ' Awakening to the Dream '. I recommend it highly. So good that I'm now reading it for the second time only a week after first reading it. Sell on Amazon Start a Selling Account. Richard rated it really liked it Sep 25, awakening to the dream leo hartong

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Thanks for telling us about the problem. We all know the feeling of being in the flow of things. As I am sitting at my computer writing these words, I become aware of the sensation of thirst. Essentially, this is a book about you. Amazon Inspire Digital Educational Resources. Although being in the flow feels wonderful, the idea of our actions happening by themselves instead of through our free will can be upsetting. It posits ideas that are very foreign to most of us. Mahesh rated it really liked it Oct 21, Alexa Actionable Analytics for the Web.

Awakening to the Dream

And yet, I can see it can happen in any moment, when the ego melts back into the background consciousness and there is just this Presence, the startling awakeness, clarity, and innocence of Pure Awareness itself illuminating all without limit.

The play, including your role in it, continues with the altered perspective of knowing, delighting, and seeing, without an individual claiming these as personal activities or achievements. In the same way, we could say that a mirage of an oasis in the desert exists when it is observed; or we could say that it does not.

What thought could take the thinker beyond thinking?

Awakening to the Dream: The Gift of Lucid Living by Leo Hartong

Sep 08, Garry rated it really liked it. Tao, without doing anything, Leaves nothing undone 37 And again: This view can easily be misunderstood as I noticed occurred drea one reviewer below, but it's understandable. Absolutely the best Advaita book I have encountered to date.

To ask other readers questions about Awakening to the Dreamplease sign up. Apr 14, Rapolas Bernotas rated it it was amazing.

awakening to the dream leo hartong

Trying to remove your face by cleaning the mirror is useless. Share your thoughts with other customers.

No Mind's Land: Leo Hartong - Awakening to the Dream

Leo Hartong lives and works in the Netherlands. Get to Know Us.

awakening to the dream leo hartong

Less and less is done, Till only non-action remains. There are no xwakening topics on this book yet. Posted by No Mind's Land at 9: Advaita for the 21 st Century.

awakening to the dream leo hartong

The truth behind ego is a no-thing-ness too close for investigation, since it is the very source from which the attempt to investigate arises. Sachiv Nehra rated it it was amazing Oct 31, Same window - no glass. Hartong drezm articulated all this very clearly for those who are ripe have ears to hear.

Awakening to the Dream: The Gift of Lucid Living

Then think of your least favorite food and for the next five minutes really crave it. If you feel at all drawn to this awakening, I can't imagine a clearer way to be introduced. When it is realized that we all arise from Pure Awareness in much the same way, it is instantly clear that there is no one from whom free will could have been taken.

The ego is neither the doer nor the non-doer; it simply does not have an existence independent of the Self, any more than a character in a novel exists independently of the author who portrays him.

There is no individual entity to either get it or not get it; there is only this. Seeing through the illusion of separation could be termed lucid living, as it is not you waking up from the dream of life, but the impersonal awakening to the dream of life.

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